Thursday, November 8, 2012

Bernie has been in the hospital for the last 2 weeks.  He was admitted for Pancreatitis, caused by Gallstones.  He needed his Gallbladder taken out, however they found a pseudocyst on his pancreas which complicated the issue.  He hasn't been able to eat as food would irritate the pancreas even more, so has been hooked up to an IV and feeding tube.  We thought he was going to have to come home and stay on the feeding tube for several more weeks while the pseudocyst got smaller or grew a more protective shield around it so they could operate.  On Tuesday the Dr. ordered a CT scan and things looked so good that he was able to have the surgery that day.  We are so thankful that he was able to get this surgery done now so he can get well sooner and not have to be on a feeding tube for several weeks and then have to go back into the hospital for surgery after that.  I want to thank all of you who have thought about us and helped us out.  I’m going to post daily updates on here to let you know how he is doing each day.

Nov.9:  He was able to have broth for 2 days and today was told they will start giving him a little bit of solids to see how he tolerates them.  He’s doing great.  Possible discharge is the beginning of next week.

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